#Sonic mania bosses how to#
If there’s one thing you can tell about Mania‘s devs from playing it (besides the fact they know how to make a Sonic game), it might be that they love Daytona USA. Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your Engines…
#Sonic mania bosses series#
A really cool nod to another SEGA series that I’m happy to see in here!ĥ. It’s perhaps somewhat obvious, with this being a SEGA game and him having “Shinobi” in his name, but his sound effects during battle are lifted from the 1989 Mega Drive title The Super Shinobi (The Revenge of Shinobi outside Japan.) This is most noticeable with the explosion sound effects his asteron shurikens make, as well the sound he makes upon being knocked out of his spin jump. This next one pertains to the boss of Press Garden Act 2, Heavy Shinobi. Sonic gets some reference love in the Tornado too, as he’s wearing the unused goggles found in Sonic 1’s ROM. This is where the references begin to reach outside of just the original Mega Drive Sonic titles, and demonstrates the Mania Team’s thorough awareness of the subject matter. The goggles actually originate from the Sonic the Hedgehog Original Video Animation (known as Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie outside of Japan). Once again during Mirage Saloon Act 1, Tails actually dons some proper flight gear during the Sky Chase segment, unlike the Mega Drive titles (his eyes must’ve been killing him…). This is actually the “Giant Ball Tower” boss from Sonic Chaos‘ Gigapolis Zone! If you fight him as Knuckles, who has a completely different Act 1 to Mirage Saloon, you’ll actually fight him in an identical fashion to his first appearance – it wasn’t until this fight I actually realised just what I was fighting! As a somewhat pointless addendum here, turns out you can actually place him anywhere during Mirage Saloon with debug mode, just in case you feel like having a boss chase you through the entire stage. Many people would probably just glance at this as a neat nod to Sonic 1’s Marble Zone dwelling enemy and little else, but it’s actually a far more nuanced reference to Sonic’s 8-Bit past.

Holy accuracy, Batman!ĭuring Mirage Saloon Act 1, you’ll face a gigantic Caterkiller enemy. As far as I can tell, this also goes for the unlockable multiplayer Mean Bean mode. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine. It’s an insanely cool throwback, and is notable for specifically operating by, as far as I can tell, the now largely unused original Puyo Puyo game’s ruleset rather than the generally accepted Puyo Puyo Tsu set. I told ya there’d be some obvious ones on this list but yes, Chemical Plant Act 2’s boss fight is of course a nod to the Western localisation of the original Puyo Puyo title for Mega Drive, Dr.
#Sonic mania bosses Pc#
(This should be obvious, but this comes with a huge spoiler warning. This list is no-holds barred, so if you’re say, a PC user who wants to go in with all of this as a surprise when the game launches next week, then look away now.

…that or ones I’ve completely misinterpreted in my hunt for fanservice.

There’ll definitely be some more expected, ‘obvious’ stuff on this list, but hopefully I can point out some neat bits you might’ve missed! So I decided to write something else that’s already been written about a million times Mania’s callbacks and easter eggs! That being said, I’m going to try and delve a bit deeper than some of the others I’ve seen on this topic. Suffice to say, I think it’s the best Sonic game ever, but I couldn’t really think what to write about it when it came to doing a review that hadn’t already been said. Sonic Mania released last week! I love it, to the point I’ve now done eight runthroughs of it and like, 7 of those were with all emeralds!